Umberto Eco: Uma Biblioteca do Mundo (2023)

È meravigliosa. La biblioteca di Eco è un breve viaggio nel suo mondo e nelle sue idee. Decine di interviste intervallate da immagini della sua biblioteca e di una dozzina di altre biblioteche internazionali. Conosciamo un po' meglio la personalità di Eco, in particolare le sue passioni. Un antipasto per continuare a leggere i suoi scritti e i suoi libri.

"I’m going to tell you something that happened when my daughter was 3. She was watching tv and they were saying... a certain cake was the best in the world.  

I told her: “Don’t believe what they say on tv. It’s just an advertisement..” 
Then the news came up and they announced: “Big snowfall in Torino”...
So she looked at me and smiled: “Not true, is it?”
“No” I replied “When it’s the news, the TV says the truth”.
Then they interviewed a minister who bragged about his job...
She goes: “It’s true, right?” 
“No” I say...

“When a minister talks on the news he may not tell the truth...”"

"I am a semiologist, I study language and languages and the strength of language is not to say what’s there but to describe what is not there."

"You ask me if people read enough books... We are a country that until 1950 had a huge percentage of illiterate, people who did not speak a good Italian, even less read... Therefore, there are certainly more readers now. Yes, there’s a lot of people not interested in books because they are not intellectually curious. To be curious intellectually means to be alive. But, believe me, there aren’t many people alive in this world."

"My collections concernes only fake books, books that say the contrary of the truth. I don’t have Galileo Galileo but I have Tolemy, because he was wrong about the movement of the Earth. Recently somebody asked me: “Why do you collect only ‘fake’ books?” Because they are much nicer! If you need to demonstrate Pythagoras’s theorem you can get away with a few sketches. If you need to explain weird alchemic theories you must come up with extraordinary images." 


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